Saturday 22 August 2009

Scotland gives you spots

River trip
Originally uploaded by PhylB
Mum and Thomas took us all to Italy for two weeks.

I liked that a lot.

I shouted 'Hi' to everybody, until I learned to shout 'Ciao' instead. People liked that a lot.

They shouted 'Ciao bello' and 'Ciao Leone' to me. Instead of 'Hi Five' they said 'Cinque'.

I also liked the heat and the sun a lot. And the ice cream.

But the best thing was that my spots disappeared.

As soon as we came back to Scotland, my spots came back, too. :-(

I want to move to Italy, because living in Scotland gives you spots!

Monday 17 August 2009


Originally uploaded by PhylB
Two weeks ago Mummy and Thomas took me on a plane (Anna thought it was called a tractor!) to Italy. The first thing they took me to see was a very squinty tower. I liked it very much. I think it is called the Squinty Tower of Pisa.